End Climate Change – Start Climate of Change Project – Contract n. CSO-LA/2019/410-153
1. Background
The Municipality of Bologna, Simplification, Innovation and Citizen Relations Department, is a partner of the EU co-financed project “End Climate Change – Start Climate of Change” (CoC, henceforth). The project envisages numerous advocacy activities at different international institutions in order to promote systemic and political as well as social and behavioural change on the issue of climate change, with a special focus on the migration phenomenon. Among these activities, the Municipality of Bologna is responsible for coordinating an advocacy action, targeted at local public authorities, in particular the 146 Cities of the ECCAR network (European Coalition of Cities against Racism), whose General Assembly will be held in Kadiköy (Istanbul, Turkey) from 12 to 14 October 2022.
The event will detail specific priorities and recommendations for such local public authorities to address and manage the problems and pursue the values on which the CoC project works: the impacts of climate change in the Global South as a key factor for migration and the interconnections of this problem with the current development model, our economic system and our way of life. This advocacy action, coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna, will be implemented by young people selected through this public notice.
2. Object of this notice
This notice intends to identify six young people between the ages of 18 and 35 who will be given specific online training on environmental justice issues that intersect the CoC Project and ECCAR action, with the aim of providing them with the tools to build an advocacy action within the framework of the ECCAR General Assembly, to be held in Kadiköy (Istanbul, Turkey) and addressed to the cities of the Coalition.
3. Aims and Targets
The CoC Project aims not only to inform and sensitise the young European generations on the issues of climate change and environmental justice, but also and above all to make them protagonists of concrete actions for this change at local, national and European level. In this context, the ECCAR 2022 General Assembly represents a unique opportunity to build an advocacy action addressed to the 146 cities of the Coalition.
This call is addressed to young people between 18 and 35 years old, preferably previously involved in CoC activities carried out in the project partner countries (Italy, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, France, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain).
The selected young people will be involved in specific online training activities that will provide them with the tools to define, in close coordination with the Municipality of Bologna and ECCAR, the advocacy action addressed to the cities of the Coalition. The participants will take part in the delegation of young people attending the ECCAR General Assembly and will be the protagonists of the related side event.
The advocacy action towards ECCAR will focus on issues of colonialism, anti-racism and environmental justice.
4. Training details
The 6 young people will take part in a online training course on advocacy issues to be held between September and October (indicatively between 12 September and 7 October) consisting of 3 meetings, one day a week, two of 2 hours and one of 4 hours (8 hours in total). Participants will also benefit from dedicated materials and participation in activities and events within the project.
5. Coverage of costs
Travel, board and lodging costs for attending the Assembly are covered by the call with funds from the CoC Project.
6. Selection criteria and method of assessment
Prerequisites to be selected are
– Be between 18 and 35 years old (at the time of selection);
– Knowledge of the English language;
– Willingness to participate in online training course to be held indicatively between 12 September and 7 October;
– Willingness to attend the ECCAR General Assembly to be held in Kadikoy (Istanbul) from 12 to 14 October 2022 and to prepare the Youth Delegation intervention.
It is preferable to be a Young Ambassador of the CoC project or to have already been actively involved in activities of the same project in any EU Member State.
An evaluation committee will assess the applications on the basis of the above-mentioned points, the candidate’s curriculum vitae and motivation. A representative group of different genders, origins and backgrounds will be sought.
7. How to apply, deadline and timing
Applications must be submitted BY 28 AUGUST by filling in the Google Form available at this LINK.
Eligible persons will be contacted by e-mail, asking for confirmation of interest and availability in the course, and will subsequently receive all operational details.
8. Privacy and processing of personal data
PRIVACY POLICY – pursuant to Article 13 GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679) – at this LINK.
9. Information and clarifications
For information and clarification, to be requested by 12:00 on 23 August, write to the following address: info@gruppoyoda.org